Our role of CSR is to create value, generate jobs and improve the quality of life for our employees including their families and also the communities the company is operating in. Effective people-focused and community-centered initiatives are in place to maximize their well-being, health and consciousness through engagement and collaboration. These efforts have helped us build deeper bonds with and amongst employees allowing them feel strongly about the cause they are assisting. As an active, caring and contributing corporate citizen, Naturub makes every endeavour to be a non-discriminatory employer while creating a conducive, pleasant and safe environment for all its employees. Fulfilling its responsivity towards the eco-system, Naturub as a forefront runner in the implementation of green technologies attaches a significant importance to the ‘Ecological Footprint’ concept.
- Building a fully equipped computer laboratory for Mahawila School situated in the vicinity of Naturub headquarters
- Supporting all projects at Mahawila School involving the development of physical resources.
- Offering academic scholarships to students of this school
- Building a playground at Mahawila for the general public in the area
- Majority (nearly 85%) of employees are permanent residents in the area within 1 km radius of the factory
- Generous financial donations to the village temples and welfare societies
- Interest free housing and other loans to staff (So far, nearly 500 employees have availed themselves of this facility)
- A company-managed free day care centre for employees’ children guided by a qualified nursery teacher
- Medical centre operated 24×7 basis with qualified medical aids, free medication and a visiting doctor
- Welfare shop where employees can buy their daily provisions at cheaper rates on credit
- Free meals, free transport and free accommodation at company owned hostels
- Free school books for children of all employees